Reduced damage of Zenith Pickaxe and True Zenith Pickaxe Updated motion of True Zenith Pickaxe projectiles Reduced pickaxe power of Zenith Pickaxe to 230% Lowered Luminite Bar requirement for True Zenith Pickaxe from 200 to 100 True Zenith Pickaxe now requires a stronger pickaxe (up to 300% pickaxe power) to craft if one exists in another mod and can be crafted itself Fixed shader going in wrong direction while in reversed gravity Shaders are now visible while the game is paused Added a slow mode to the True Zenith Pickaxe > Pickaxes with at least 1000 damage may only be used if they also satisfy the pickaxe power requirement > Pickaxes with at least 500% power or 1000 damage do not activate the requirement, but may be used if the requirement is active > If highest (limited) power is above 230%, at least one pickaxe with at least the highest (limited) power is required to craft the True Zenith Pickaxe > All modded pickaxes are searched to find the highest pickaxe power (limited to 300%) True Zenith Pickaxe recipe requirements updated: Projectiles and shaders now render correctly when both game zoom and UI zoom are above 100% True Zenith Pickaxe slow mode is now faster when smart cursor is enabled and slower when smart cursor is disabled Updated Midnight Pickaxe and Jungle Pickaxe sprites

Right clicking while the fast speed mode is active will throw pickaxes similarly to how the Zenith in 1.4 throws swords. The True Zenith Pickaxe can switch between slow, medium, and fast mining speeds. If you're experiencing lag, try disabling shaders in this mod's configuration menu. Use the Guide and some pre-existing pickaxes to view the recipes for the new pickaxes.